Friday, September 19, 2008

Wrapping up week 2 and Welcome to my blog

This is where I plan to share the pains and triumphs, trials and tribulations of training for The XTERRA Winter World Championships. I had reconstructive ACL surgery on April 7Th(left knee), and after nearly 6 months of rehab I am ready to get back on track.

I have 24 weeks from the first week of training(9/8-9/14) until the competition (3/7/09). Eventually I will publish my training and nutrition plan but for now I am honing it and making changes daily.

The first week of training contained 81km on my bike(all on road) and 6k worth of running. This was the first distance running(I know not very far) since my surgery and it was a bit painful, knee was sore after each run. Also some weights at the gym(one leg hamstring curls, one leg presses, calf raises, one leg balance on elliptical ball then sprints-30sec on off-home on the bike) to round out my training routine.

So far week 2 has been very similar to week one, all told I will have about 86km on the bike(on road) and 6-8km running. Weights at the gym twice this week and still haven't started doing Yoga but either Saturday or next week I will begin to incorporate that into my routine.

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