Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The long day

"I like pleasure spiked with pain, and music is my aeroplane."

The day started with the alarm going off at 3am, set from the day before so I could drive her to the airport at 4am and I forgot to reset the time. After attempting to go back to sleep and another couple hours of tossing and turning it was time to wake. Finally pouring myself out of bed like molasses on an autumn day and into the shower to get all synapses firing again, at last the day has begun.

The first joy of the day will be spent at the dentist laying on my back with drills in my mouth digging away at a neglected tooth which is now plagued with decay. The dentist and assistant laugh and converse and even try to include me in the cnversation to which my reply is usually, mmpphhhffpgphfff! At least this time she let the novicaine start to take effect before drilling away.

Lucky for me I got to head back to work before going over to Boulder Ortho Sport for some physical therapy on my left Hamstring/knee. Since I had ACL reconstructive surgery my hamstring has been tight and I have not fully regained flexion because of this they are going to be working my hammy for a few weeks, with the Graston technique. For those unfamiliar this is where they take a piece of smooth metal and 'massage' your leg and knee. It burns. But it does stretch it out and warm it up so overall it feels good.

Back in the office for the rest of the day after a nice lunch break. Ok most of the day is over now all I have to look forward to is doing bike delivery from 5-10 all around east central Boulder.

Close up shop and home by 11. Ahhh time to relax a few beers later and it's lights out by 1. The next 3 days will consist of working half day in the office bike riding camping and picking her up at the airport. I guess these long days once in a while aren't so bad.

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